Author Topic: Major changes - maybe I will call it 1.1 (no game world reset)  (Read 8575 times)


  • Guest
Oh things will go up in smoke as soon as you roll this out make no mistake about it. It's better to adjust the utilization % now then later.

The reason for that is that you'll end up having dozens upon dozens of routes being opened from all bases where only a single flight per week is there. However that will create direct routes to many places that previously did not exist and all the transfer pax dynamics that exist right now will disintegrate, so everyone will need to make huge restructuring. This will aslo add a lot of computation as the number of routes will increase dramatically.

I'm not saying it's a bad thing, on the contrary, it ia a good improvement overall, but it will have very impactful consequences. So you're better off lumping in any utilization adjustment now rather then leaving it for later when it would have a similar impact again.