Author Topic: v1.2 planning!  (Read 531 times)


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Re: v1.2 planning!
« on: January 19, 2020, 11:18:09 pm »
Love the airplane series! Would you provide a complete list of all airplanes? Would love to see that before v1.2 release.

Regarding aircraft maintenance cost, I think irl if you set up the facility, the average maintenance cost would go down if you have more aircrafts. I feel it can be part of base maintenance, and don't see why you want to separate it out.

Also for special events, can Olympics happen at multiple airports at the same time?

Good work, thanks for everything!

Thanks zuoyi.!!

I don't have the airplane list yet. I need alot of help here I would prefer airplanes with graphics from norebb. It's completely open now

The maintenance cost I'm still pondering about the formula. I'm pretty sure I want to impose less cost of you stay with less series. But the rest is still up for debate

Olympic will only happen at one airport for the ease of implementation.. I don't know yet